.. _testing: Testing ======= .. warning:: Use of the :ref:`Sandbox Environment` is **required** when running the test suite. Unit and integration tests for iexfinance are handled by the `pytest `__ platform. .. _testing.dependencies: Testing & Documentation Dependencies ------------------------------------ .. note:: Running the test suite and linting the code & documentation require Python 3.6 or above. All testing dependencies can be installed via ``pip install -r requirements-dev.txt``. **Testing** - black - codecov - flake8 - flake8-bugbear - flake8-rst - pytest - pytest-runner - tox All documentation dependencies can be installed via ``pip install -r docs/requirements.txt``. **Docs** - ipython - matplotlib - requests-cache - sphinx - sphinx-rtd-theme - sphinxcontrib-napoleon - sphinx-autobuild (optional) .. _testing.sandbox: Sandbox Environment ------------------- IEX provides a sandbox_ environment for IEX Cloud. This environment can be accessed by setting ``IEX_API_VERSION`` to ``sandbox``. This will set ``iexfinance`` up for use with the sandbox base URL. .. note:: Test keys (beginning with ``Tsk`` and ``Tpk``) must be used with the sandbox environment. To obtain these keys, select the **Viewing test data** toggler on the left side of the IEX Cloud console. .. _sandbox: https://iexcloud.io/docs/api/#sandbox .. _testing.local_testing: Local Testing ------------- A BASH script ``test.sh`` is included in the top-level iexfinance directory. This script will emulate the tests needed for a TravisCI build to pass. The ``iexfinance`` documentation can be tested with `Sphinx `__ (with extensions napoleon and sphinx_rtd_theme) using the Makefile. ``make livehtml`` will serve the dev documentation site locally on Exceptions ---------- .. automodule:: iexfinance.utils.exceptions :members: