Data APIs

IEX Cloud data can be organized into three generic data APIs: time-series, data-tables, and data-points. Each API type is self describing and the docs can be accessed without an API token.

Data Points

Data points are available per symbol and return individual plain text values. Retrieving individual data points is useful for Excel and Google Sheet users, and applications where a single, lightweight value is needed. We also provide update times for some endpoints which allow you to call an endpoint only once it has new data.

Full access to the Data Points endpoints is available through the get_data_points function.

iexfinance.data_apis.get_data_points(symbol, key=None, **kwargs)


This endpoint no longer appears in the IEX Cloud documentation and may have been removed.

DataFrame of datapoints for a symbol (if no additional parameters passed) or single data point for a given symbol and data point key

Data Weighting: Free for list, varies for others

symbol: str

Valid symbol

key: str, optional

Datapoint key

Available Data Points For a Symbol

To obtain all available data points for a symbol, simply pass the symbol to get_data_points with no key:

In [1]: from iexfinance.data_apis import get_data_points

In [2]: get_data_points("AAPL", output_format='pandas').head()
                key  ...                lastUpdated
0  NEXTDIVIDENDDATE  ...  2020-11-05T20:23:03+00:00
1              BETA  ...  2021-06-02T09:37:30+00:00
2   ACCOUNTSPAYABLE  ...  2021-06-02T15:05:15+00:00
3    CAPITALSURPLUS  ...  2021-06-02T15:05:15+00:00
4       COMMONSTOCK  ...  2021-06-02T15:05:15+00:00

[5 rows x 4 columns]

Individual Data Points For a Symbol

To obtain an individual data point for a single symbol, pass the symbol and the data point ID to get_data_points:

Apple Inc. (AAPL) latest price

In [3]: get_data_points("AAPL", "COMMONSTOCK")
Out[3]: 14947192327

Time Series

Time series is the most common type of data available, and consists of a collection of data points over a period of time. Time series data is indexed by a single date field, and can be retrieved by any portion of time.

Full access to the Time Series endpoints is available through the get_time_series function.

iexfinance.data_apis.get_time_series(id_=None, key=None, subkey=None, **kwargs)

List of time series available (if no parameters passed) or time series data for given id, key, and subkey.


Data Weighting: Free for list, varies for others

id: str, optional

Time Series dataset ID (function returns list of all available datasets if argument not passed)

key: str, optional

Key used to identify data within a dataset (e.g. AAPL)

subkey: str, optional

Key-based. Further refine data

All Available Time Series

To obtain a list of all available time series, simply call get_time_series with no parameters:

In [4]: from iexfinance.data_apis import get_time_series

In [5]: get_time_series()
                                                            XF  ...                                     FRSCUTEP_ISUER
inv_pk                                                       8  ...                                               2080
id                                                          XF  ...                                     FRSCUTEP_ISUER
description          r  2ctoPos txiinfi alae do,5sSet rarraph,  ...                                 stu iuaFcirslHtero
schema       {'additionalProperties': True, 'properties': {...  ...  {'additionalProperties': True, 'properties': {...
weight                                                  100110  ...                                               1011
created                               2020-05-05T16:58:52.000Z  ...                           2021-05-25T14:22:26.000Z
updated                               2020-05-05T16:58:52.000Z  ...                           2021-05-25T14:22:26.000Z
version                                                      1  ...                                                  1
weightKey                                                   XF  ...                                     ESPSECR_UFURIT
prepost                                                    NaN  ...                                                NaN

[10 rows x 95 columns]

Individual Time Series

Whereas calling get_time_series with no parameters returns a full inventory of time series endpoints, calling get_time_series with an individual series ID and (optional) keys and subkeys as parameters.

For example, to obtain the REPORTED_FINANCIALS time series entry for Apple Inc. (AAPL):

In [6]: get_time_series("REPORTED_FINANCIALS", "AAPL").head()
                                                   1970-01-01 00:27:21.322977241
AccountsPayableCurrent                                               63892823314
AccountsReceivableNetCurrent                                         27631785310
AccruedIncomeTaxesNoncurrent                                         28889299926
AccumulatedDepreciationDepletionAndAmortization...                   70115891583
AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTax                        183256955

Or with a subkey:

In [7]: get_time_series("REPORTED_FINANCIALS", "AAPL", "10-Q").head()
                                                   1970-01-01 00:28:06.934032881
AccountsPayableCurrent                                               66098635888
AccountsReceivableNetCurrent                                         28263855957
AccruedIncomeTaxesNoncurrent                                         29195135000
AccumulatedDepreciationDepletionAndAmortization...                   67565256855
AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTax                        183896693

Any and all series-specific parameters (such as last, to, from, etc. should be passed as keyword arguments)


Last Apple Inc. Form 10-K

In [8]: get_time_series("REPORTED_FINANCIALS", "AAPL", "10-K", last=1).head()
                                                   1970-01-01 00:27:28.214800856
AccountsPayableCurrent                                               42774095989
AccountsReceivableNetCurrent                                         16894191335
AccruedIncomeTaxesNoncurrent                                         29478733466
AccumulatedDepreciationDepletionAndAmortization...                   69379220015
AccumulatedOtherComprehensiveIncomeLossNetOfTax                       -408405536