

Use of the Sandbox Environment is required when running the test suite.

Unit and integration tests for iexfinance are handled by the pytest platform.

Testing & Documentation Dependencies


Running the test suite and linting the code & documentation require Python 3.6 or above.

All testing dependencies can be installed via pip install -r requirements-dev.txt.


  • black

  • codecov

  • flake8

  • flake8-bugbear

  • flake8-rst

  • pytest

  • pytest-runner

  • tox

All documentation dependencies can be installed via pip install -r docs/requirements.txt.


  • ipython

  • matplotlib

  • requests-cache

  • sphinx

  • sphinx-rtd-theme

  • sphinxcontrib-napoleon

  • sphinx-autobuild (optional)

Sandbox Environment

IEX provides a sandbox environment for IEX Cloud. This environment can be accessed by setting IEX_API_VERSION to sandbox. This will set iexfinance up for use with the sandbox base URL.


Test keys (beginning with Tsk and Tpk) must be used with the sandbox environment. To obtain these keys, select the Viewing test data toggler on the left side of the IEX Cloud console.

Local Testing

A BASH script test.sh is included in the top-level iexfinance directory. This script will emulate the tests needed for a TravisCI build to pass.

The iexfinance documentation can be tested with Sphinx (with extensions napoleon and sphinx_rtd_theme) using the Makefile. make livehtml will serve the dev documentation site locally on


exception iexfinance.utils.exceptions.IEXAuthenticationError(msg)

This error is thrown when there is an authentication issue with an IEX cloud request.

exception iexfinance.utils.exceptions.IEXQueryError(status, response)

This error is thrown when an error occurs with the query to IEX, be it a network problem or an invalid query.

exception iexfinance.utils.exceptions.ImmediateDeprecationError(endpoint)